目的 运动状态下对人体的骨肌系统进行运动学及动力学分析时,应避免对人体的伤害。本研究通过尸体切片、CT或者MRI图像重建等方法构建静态骨肌模型,并将其应用于活体进行分析。方法 采用尸体切片重建了下肢的三维骨肌模型,并对此骨肌模型及活体下肢建立了统一规则的关节坐标系,详细描述了人体骨肌系统模型和活体上相关肌肉骨骼间附着点空间坐标值转换。结果 对研究对象膝关节屈曲运动中股二头肌短头力臂及长度进行了计算和分析。结论 该方法对提高人体运动学和动力学仿真及肌肉力预测具有重要意义。
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Objective In order to avoid potential injuries imposed to human body, it can be feasible to use the musculoskeletal models which can be reconstructed from the cadaver color cryosection (CCC) images, computerized tomography (CT) images, magnetic resonance (MR) images or other images to analyze the dynamic properties of muscles in vivo during human movement. Methods We reconstruct the lower limb musculoskeletal model and define the uniform joint coordinate system (JCS) on the model and the subject. The coordinate transformation of the muscle attachment points both on the model and the subject is described in detail. Results The length and the moment arm of the biceps femoris (short head) during knee flexion are calculated and analyzed. Conclusion This method plays an important role in improving the kinematics and dynamic simulation and the muscle force estimation.